Town of Malone

"Foothills of the Adirondacks"

27 Airport Rd. - Malone, NY 12953 ~ Phone: 518-483-4740 ~ Fax: 518-483-1445

Malone Town Court:  518-483-4018 or 518-481-6634


Marriage License Requirements

Before obtaining a Marriage License a couple must provide the following:

1.) Original or certified copy of their Birth Certificate. This means it must have a raised seal and the original signature of Registrar. Applicants must be 18 years or older.


Original or certified copy of their Baptismal Certificate. This must be on official stationary or form of the church, and must have the original signature of the Officiate, and seal of the church or original naturalization or census Document

2.) A second form of identification, with photo and date of birth; i.e. Driver's License, Passport, Employment I.D.  Immigration I.D. The information on this second document must match the information on the birth or baptismal record.

3.) If either or both have been previously married, they must provide proof of dissolution of marriage or death of a previous spouse. For a divorce: original or certified copy of the Final Divorce Decree signed, dated, and sealed or stamped. For death: original or certified copy of the Death Certificate or Transcript of Death, signed, dated, and sealed. If an applicant has been married more than once before, the paperwork must be provided for the most recent death/divorce. For earlier marriages they must supply a date and place of death/divorce, but are not required to show paperwork.

4.)The New York State fee for a marriage license is $40.00. Applicants must provide payment by cash, money order, or personal check.

5.)A marriage license must be obtained at least 24 hours before the ceremony. The license is valid for 60 days.

The Town Clerk or Deputy Town Clerk will personally examine all of the documents. Her/His judgments as to the validity of any document is final.

In regard to any of the above documents: If the original is printed in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation. (Certified translators can usually be found at universities and embassies) .

Please NOTE:  Marriage licenses will not be administered after 3:30 pm daily.


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